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A leading delegation from United States Institute of Peace, accompanied by Mr. William Warda, visits areas in Nineveh Plain

A leading delegation from United States Institute of Peace, accompanied by Mr. William Warda, visits areas in Nineveh Plain


  • A leading delegation from United States Institute of Peace, accompanied by Mr. William Warda, visits areas in Nineveh Plain.
  • The delegation briefed on the scale of damage and destruction long to architectural and religious landmarks.
  • The delegation meets a number of council members of Al-Hamdaniya district discussing ways to promote civil and social peace. 
  • A Roundtable meeting of the elites of Christians and Shabak to promote the concept of reconciliation


A delegation from United States institute of peace, visited areas in Nineveh plain on 10/2/2018.The leading delegation headed by Mrs. Nancy Lindbork, head of the institute, Mr. Steve Hadley Chairman of the Board, Mr. Serhenk Hama Director of the Institute's projects in the Middle East, Mr. Osama Al-Gharezi Director of the Institute in Iraq and Mrs. Judy Khalaf Director of the Institute's projects and programs in Iraq , accompanied with Mr. William Warda the former head of the Iraqi Minority Alliance Network.

The visit agenda of the delegation included a visit to the camp of Hassan Shami for displaced people from Mosul city and suburbs briefing on the living conditions especially for women and children, then the delegation visited the Monastery of St. Barbara in the district of Karemlas in Nineveh plain which was destroyed by ISIS, and viewed the tunnels dug by terrorists. The delegation also visit the holiest church Al-Tahira , the oldest church of Iraq exposed to systematic destruction , burn and blast committed by ISIS long to the most of landmarks of this church.  The delegation held a meeting with the local committee of Al-Hamdaniya district deliberating number of issues related to civil peace and the challenges facing the return of displaced people .

The delegation went to visit the shrine of Imam Zain El Abidine, one of the shrines of the Shabak.

Among other activities, the delegation held a roundtable meeting participated by a number of Christian activists and Shabak.

During the meeting the discussion focused on the principles of national reconciliation and the importance of building peace and stability in the region to strengthen the good relations between these two Iraqi components and the required demographic reality of relations based on the respect of rights of all Iraqi  components

At the conclusion of these activities the delegation return to Erbil and held a meeting with the Board of Directors and the Executive Director of Iraqi Minority Alliance Network and a number of members of the General Advisory Board ,to review the results of the delegation's visit and what should be done to face challenges affecting areas of Ninevah Plain and the package of projects and plans required to deepen the values ​​of reconciliation to enclose the conflicts that can occur every now and then. The discussion also focused on the requirements of security, development and peace, and the necessity of providing a comprehensive voluntary return to all displaced people.

The delegation also discussed the issue of strengthening coordination and partnership between the United States Institute of Peace and the Iraqi Minority Alliance Network.

During the visit, the delegation has been joined by a number of personalities including, Mrs. Suriya Al-Qadoo Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Alliance, and the members of the Alliance Mr. Louis Markus  Ayoub, Hussein Zenal and Youhana Yousef Tawaya.


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