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Organizations in the balance of relief and Human Rights support

Organizations in the balance of relief and Human Rights support

Organizations in the balance of relief and Human Rights support

  • Christian Solidarity International (CSI) and its supporting partnership with Hammurabi Human Rights Organization (HHRO)
  • Why " CSI " has chosen "HHRO" as an original field partner with primary trust and commitment in Iraq
  • CSI relief support included food, health, education, municipal service and all other daily necessities
  • Access with the Hammurabi team to the most remote areas of Iraq and hot spots, despite the strict security precautions "Mosul as a sample"
  • Focusing on displaced persons and marginalized people in support of accurate field reports prepared by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization on the conditions of Yazidis, Christians, Shabak, Kakayis, Turkmen, Arabs, Kurds and others.

To speak about CSI and its great weight in the balance of support , assistance and help the social groups that are subjected to human rights violations, it is the responsibility of media to refer to the merit of this international organization in the fields of assistance, solidarity and communication with these groups, and although the organization has many successful activities in other countries, however, its relief and human rights activities in Iraq have yielded far more profound fruits because they included Iraqis of different religious, regional and ethnic affiliations and identities. If it is necessary to detail in this regard and in the resolutions of the Organization, in the adoption of the path of cooperation based on transparency and the field study and fact-finding which in turn is linked to joint projects of relief and human rights with Hammurabi Human Rights Organization. Thus, its relationship with Hammurabi did not come as a coincidence or temporary cooperation but it established a system of continuous and renewed joint action based on substantive secretariat to study the most necessary needs to be met in relief projects on a degree of realism and speed.

Christian Solidarity Organization CSI is keen to meet the offers of humanitarian projects offered by Hammurabi Human Rights Organization HHRO based on its high confidence in the organization and to diversify its support in the framework of a number of relief projects, especially for the displaced ,the displaced people and the marginalized and to support the return of displaced people to their homes, in addition the projects of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization is to support the poor Iraqi components. Therefore, its support activities are varied and a list can be presented as follows:

First: food relief programs.

Second: Relief programs in the provision of clothing, blankets, furnishings and other household services for camp survivors.

Third: Health care in providing financial aid to patients in order to cover the expenses of their medical treatments and the provision of medicines and follow-up their treatments.

Forth: Municipal service projects. Christian Solidarity International CSI supported the projects of Hammurabi Human Rights Organization in providing a network of potable water and domestic use. The most advanced step was to support the project of Hammurabi in distributing more than 1500 home systems for water purification and desalination. To a large extent this step helped to promote the return of displaced persons and paying attention to their liberated areas.

Fifth: The care of Youth and students of university and schools and support their needs at various stages, especially the children of displaced people by the crimes of ISIS.

Sixth: Relief of survivors and survivors of crimes of ISIS to promote psychological and physical treatment for them.

Seventh: The arrival of CSI staff with the staff of HHRO to the most remote and dangerous areas of Iraq, we have to pay tribute to Dr. John Eibner and the activist Helen Ray, who accompanied Mrs. Pascale Warda and the relief team of Hammurabi, to enter the right side of the city of Mosul, while fighting on some tens meters inside the city.

The two groups of the organizations continue to distribute the relief materials for families of Mosul stranded in the city despite the severity of security precautions.

Perhaps what distinguishes the work of support provided by Christian Solidarity International CSI has confirmed the high human values ​​in the field. Its relief support has reached Yazidis, Shabak, Christians, Kakayis, Turkmen, Kurds, Arabs and other Iraqi groups without any distinction. This is a victory of the approach of values of humanitarian relief from the conscience of the believer of the importance of an open assistance.

CSI and HHRO did not ignore the human rights situation. They continued to issue their reports to monitor and document human rights violations and to identify issues that need to be addressed in order to promote human rights and the values ​​of democracy and freedoms.

Baghdad, 22 May 2018